Root Chakra Tea
Buddha Teas Root Chakra Tea
When your root chakra is in balance, you feel safe in the world, and free to trust in ways that allow you to take healthy risks, knowing that all will be well.
Mula root + Adhara support = Muladhara (Sanskrit) This chakra represents the foundation of that which is you. When this first energy center of the body is in balance, you feel safe in the world, and free to trust in ways that allow you to take healthy risks, knowing that all will be well.
If you regularly suffer anxiety, fear, or perhaps bad dreams while you sleep, or if you are dealing with issues of the bladder, colon, or low back and feet, you might want to focus some healing attention on your root chakra. Rather than seeking safety in the outside world, it might be wise at this time to explore your inner world, with meditations that help you connect to a higher power, or other entity you envision as God, Spirit, or simply Consciousness.
This earthy, subtle, and balanced blend, energized with the essence of the red-colored gemstone garnet, provides a mellow yet powerful sipping experience that assists those seeking a more grounded life experience.
Health Benefits
- Muladhara — "security & stability”
- An adaptogenic-rich blend
- Infused with the essence of garnet
- 18 Bleach Free Tea Bags / Box
18 servings per container